Imagination and Logic

Bethany Sollereder, Ph.D., is a fellow graduate of Regent College and a Christian who has spent much time exploring the relationships between Science and Faith. She has written a helpful paper entitled, “Evolution, Suffering and the Creative Love of God,” in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith.[1] It is a philosophical and theological paper that is technical…

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Yesterday’s post featured a song, a poem, and a scripture speaking of roads. Each item is about making choices. The song by Krauss and Snow is about the mistakes in life and the roads taken that were wrong choices that affect the rest of our lives – and about the resolve to not make the…

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Roads Taken and Roads Not Taken

Today’s blog post will simply introduce a topic. Discussion will follow in the next few days. For now, ponder the words of a song by Viktor Krauss (Alison’s brother) and Angel Snow, a poem by Robert Frost, and the words of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew. Note well how each of these phrases…

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In Romans 9:3, Paul the Apostle expresses the emotion that, “for my people, my Jewish brothers and sisters. I would be willing to be forever cursed—cut off from Christ!—if that would save them.” A great many commentators and writers have attempted to understand just what Paul meant by these words. We do well to note the…

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Do Faith and Science Conflict?

Many are asking the question, “Do faith and science conflict?” and many would say they know the answer. In this message delivered at Bow Valley Christian Church on January 7, 2018, I offer the answer of one who has worked in and studied the sciences while also living and studying a life of faith. I…

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Rex and the Governor General

Governor General Julie Payette generated a fire-storm of words when she asserted her belief in science and effectively derided all other forms of knowledge or faith. For the record, she is, of course, entitled to make such statements in this multi-cultural, multi-faith country of Canada. What she said at a science conference is her own…

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Rich Mullins and Steve Taylor

(Click on this image for a larger view.) I just became aware of one of the great moments in music history. On May 1st, 1986, two music legends became entangled in the delicate business of admiration for one another and self-promotion. In 1986, Rich Mullins was an upstart singer-songwriter with a solo career. Amy Grant…

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Einstein on Faith and Religion

Albert Einstein had a complicated relationship with faith and religion. Some of the things he said show that he had faith that guided him toward truth and understanding. For Einstain, faith was a source of feeling and rationality. Yet, his concepts of faith were not organized as a particular faith such as faith in Jesus.…

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Hope for the Evangelical Mind

In 2004, ten years after the publication of The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, Mark A. Noll was unrepentant about his assessment of the Evangelical mind. I remain largely unrepentant about the book’s historical arguments, its assessment of evangelical strengths and weaknesses, and its indictment of evangelical intellectual efforts, though I have changed my mind…

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Faith and Science

The writer Mary Doria Russell has said, To me, religion seems very much like music. No one would argue that music is the opposite of science. No one would expect a scientist to reject music, simply because it is not a collection of empirical facts organized into a body of theory that generates testable hypotheses.…

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