Apophatic Theology

I happened upon an article at BioLogos which directed me to an article at www.respectfulconversation.net which caused me to reflect on theology, poetry, and Children of God. By the time my brain had come in for a landing it had gone on quite a merry chase. The theme that runs through these perambulations is one…

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Follow-Up to Science and Faith

One of the bright stars of contemporary theology is a young woman by the name of Bethany Sollereder. I met her at Regent College when we were both completing Master’s Degrees. She is currently working on her Ph.D. at the University of Exeter in the UK and is one who is asking good questions about…

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Science and Faith

Let me give you a little glimpse into a typical conversation with people I meet. A “get to know you conversation” often goes something like this. The person asks me what I do for a living and I tell them I am a pastor and they ask how long I have been a pastor. I…

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Seeing Stars and Seeing God

These words found in Romans 1:20-23 are worth meditating upon. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks…

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(Click on the image to enlarge.) This picture brings to mind many science fiction stories and songs I have read and sung. I used to dream about being an astronaut and traveling to the far reaches of our solar system, then striking out for uncharted space. This is the kind of vision I would have…

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The Unselfish Gene

Richard Dawkins wrote The Selfish Gene in 1976. It represented some of his greatest writing and was much less antagonistic toward other philosophical and theological perspectives than his later writings. The book described a gene-centred view of evolution and was not a treatise on whether or not organisms are selfish. Yet, a persistent problem in…

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Chicken Soup Too!

In February of 2011 I posted the lyrics of a song by Alan Root. I could not find the lyrics that our daughters and I used to listen to on the cassette we borrowed from the library. Alan Root has since re-written the song and made it more academic and less fun, and those rewritten lyrics were…

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Scientist’s Psalm

This “Scientist’s Psalm” written by Walt Hearn appealed to my scientific mind, my poetic heart, and my theological spirit. I think Dr. Hearn is the kind of guy I would enjoy sitting down with for an afternoon of discussion about science, faith, and theology. Scientist’s Psalm by Walt Hearn Praise the Lord, created thing! Let…

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Aldrin Cycler

Some people have the ability to think beyond their own time and consider what the world might look like in generations to come. One such person that has recently caught my attention is Colonel Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin.1 Aldrin was the second person to set foot on the moon and has led a life of celebrity…

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Magneto and Sodium Man

When I was a kid, I used to look at my compass and imagine why one end of the needle pointed 17 degrees east of north. I imagined that there was a large chunk of negatively magnetized metal sitting just a little to the right of the north pole and another positively magnetized chunk of…

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