Mesons, Antimatter, and Why Things Exist

I enjoy reading about recent developments in science even when I find the specific concepts hard to understand. Particle physics is one of those areas in which my math is not up to reading the original publications so I read the summaries of recent discoveries on websites that give a simple explanation. Reading such articles…

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Information and Meaning

We have all seen this situation numerous times. We are sitting among friends talking about some subject when someone asks a question to which no one has the answer. Soon, someone pulls out their phone and googles the question (yes, I did just use the verb form of Google; language is always changing). A few…

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Cosmos Guest Blog

I am guest blogging on the Cosmos site. Add the Cosmos blog site to your regular reading and enjoy a re-blog of a recent Thirst post.

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The World We Didn’t Create

This quote by Eugene Peterson fits well with my own thoughts of the last few days. Before it ever crossed our minds that God might be important, God singled us out as important.  Before we were formed in the womb, God knew us.  We are known before we know. This realization has a practical result:…

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Who Made the Moon?

I am currently guest blogging at the Cosmos website. Please take a look at my review of Sigmund Brouwer’s great little book, Who Made the Moon?

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Follow-up to Constant Protection

I often find it helpful to look at our world through two perspectives at the same time. Science is a valuable tool that allows us to understand many aspects of the universe. Faith takes us further and permits us to consider things that go beyond the scope of science. Poetry is a better medium for…

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Constant Protection

Gravity is a universal force that acts upon all bodies with mass. It would not do if one day you became impervious to gravity and could not put your feet down on the floor next to your bed. Each day we get up and trust that gravity will still pull in the same direction it…

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Dare Mighty Things

“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.” – Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president of US (1858 – 1919) “Dare mighty…

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Miracles and Moses

Moses was a man who saw many miracles. Perhaps he is the man who saw more miracles than any other man who has ever lived. If we try to number just how many miracles he experienced it becomes hard to measure. His miraculous salvation from death when all the Israelite males were to be put…

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The Tale We’ve Fallen Into

I first started reading J.R.R. Tolkien when I was about 19 years old. I remember one marathon reading session over a Christmas break from school. I really wanted to finish the Lord of the Rings Trilogy before I went back to reading books for school. The words of these books created amazing images in my…

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