I often find it helpful to look at our world through two perspectives at the same time. Science is a valuable tool that allows us to understand many aspects of the universe. Faith takes us further and permits us to consider things that go beyond the scope of science. Poetry is a better medium for explaining some aspects of faith. The chorus of this Chris Rice song mentions the 23 degree tilt of our planet, to which I referred yesterday, and reminds us that molecules and men are infused with something more. Take a listen to the song at this link. “Truth is always true.”
It was love that set this fragile planet rolling
Tilting at our perfect twenty-three
Molecules and men infused with holy
Finding our way around the galaxy
And Paradise has up and flown away for now
But hope still breathes and truth is always true
And just when we think it’s almost over
Love has the final move
Love has the final moveSomething right went very wrong
But love has been here all along.
“Final Move,” words and music by Chris Rice. See the full lyrics here.