Understanding Testing
The world of COVID-19 testing and our understanding of the virus has caused many of us to read science and health articles laden with new terminology that may be challenging to understand. One of the areas of knowledge that is difficult to understand is COVID-19 testing. Let’s take a closer look at some of the…
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Something Rather Than Nothing
Perhaps one of the biggest philosophical questions ever asked is “Why is there something rather than nothing?” When we look at the earth, the moon, the stars, our galaxy, the universe, gravity, light, and energy, we are struck with the immensity and complexity of this place in which we find ourselves. It is natural to…
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The Arc of Evolution
“The arc of evolution is long and bends toward human beings.”[1] When I speak of evolution, and my conviction that God used evolution to create our universe, I am not speaking of a godless or deistic process. I am suggesting that “in the beginning” God created the heavens and the earth, and that he created all…
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Do Faith and Science Conflict?
Many are asking the question, “Do faith and science conflict?” and many would say they know the answer. In this message delivered at Bow Valley Christian Church on January 7, 2018, I offer the answer of one who has worked in and studied the sciences while also living and studying a life of faith. I…
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Einstein on Faith and Religion
Albert Einstein had a complicated relationship with faith and religion. Some of the things he said show that he had faith that guided him toward truth and understanding. For Einstain, faith was a source of feeling and rationality. Yet, his concepts of faith were not organized as a particular faith such as faith in Jesus.…
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Life As We Know It
The combined information in two articles within a recent edition of Science News Journal[1] can lead to some intriguing speculation. One of the greatest assumptions of the search for extraterrestrial life is that we will likely find life where there is water. This is a valid hypothesis, for we know that life, as we know…
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Christ and the Cosmos
This past week I spent three days with 300 other people discussing Science and Faith, Evolutionary Creation, Theology, and how we understand our Creator God in the light of recent scientific discoveries. I was in Houston at the BioLogos 2017 Conference. This conference draws speakers and attenders from a variety of fields. We had keynote…
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At a biological level, what is the minimal number of genes needed to sustain life in an organism? That is a question that is being asked by a group of scientists who have been engineering the genome of the bacteria known as Mycoplasma mycoides. For a few years, the team has been taking genes out and…
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Dark Quest for Dark Matter
Almost two years ago, I wrote a blog about the effects of gravity and wondered when we would have a better understanding of this powerful force. Earlier this year, we came several steps closer to understanding gravity when researchers at LIGO detected gravitational waves. In my article about gravity, I also commented that “there may…
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Neil Postman on Science
Neil Postman in his essay, “Science and the Story We Need,” has this to say, “But in the end, science does not provide the answers most of us require. Its story of our origins and of our end is, to say the least, unsatisfactory. To the question, “How did it all begin?”, science answers, “Probably by…
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