Miracle Girl
In my family, I have developed a tradition. With the arrival of each grandchild, I write a song. Whitney arrived nearly five months ago in November. So, I am a little behind on getting her song written. Her parents, Lauren and Dean, have been very patient. So, I give you “Miracle Girl.” Miracle Girl A…
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Hello Cruel World
I just discovered the Essentials album by Gretchen Peters. She has written songs for Bryan Adams, Martina McBride, Faith Hill, and many others. “Hello Cruel World” is one of my favourite songs on the album. It is full of angst and tensions of good and evil. It makes one think about the struggles of this world and…
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Coals and Water
Coals and Water (Performed by Angel Snow) (Music and Lyrics by Angel Snow) (Listen here) Fortune tellers dancin’ ’round inside my head I’m tryin’ not to lose everything she said Even so in standing at the foot of my bed last night This mountains gettin’ higher with every step I’m trying not to lose everything…
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Two Weeks
The band known as The East Pointers just released an album called What We Leave Behind. On that album is a song to which many will be able to relate. It is called “Two Weeks” and deals with the emotions of leaving home to work at a job in a far-off province for “two weeks…
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I love rediscovering great songs. Listening once again to the song “America” written by Paul Simon, and performed by Simon and Garfunkel, I was struck by the genius of this song. The chord structures, time signatures, and poetry are beautiful. It paints stunning pictures in my mind. The song tells a story of two young…
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Radio Sky
The end of one year and the beginning of another always puts me in an introspective and creative mood. Today, I find myself quoting the lyrics of a favourite song with a sentiment about death and gravestones. “Radio Sky” (by the “Warped 45s” from their debut CD 10 Day Poem for Saskatchewan.) (Listen to the…
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I Remember It Well
Key of Zed is a duo consisting of Mike Charko (multiple instruments, engineering, background vocals, melodies, lyrics, and arrangements) and Keith Shields (lead vocals, background vocals, percussion, lyrics, melodies, arrangements, social media, and promotion). The duo has been collaborating on song-writing and performing since 2009. Their latest release is a song called “I Remember It…
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Musical Influences
Writing songs and poetry is a deeply personal process that, at the same time, is influenced by many other voices. The thoughts, concepts, and words in my head are there through a variety of musical, literary, and poetic influences. Sometimes I am inspired to write a song or poem about a grandchild, a friend,…
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“Mighty God” by Key of Zed
Mighty God (Music and Lyrics by Mike Charko and Keith Shields; SOCAN 2016) (Listen while you read the lyrics) You are worthy of our praise oh holy God And our hearts are open to your eyes We put aside things of this world Ancient gates are open wide The light breaks through The light breaks…
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Portadown Station
Sandra McCracken is one of my favourite song-writers. She has a great ability to write haunting songs that stir our emotions. “Portadown Station” is but one example. It is a simple story of someone on the road, loving the experience but missing someone at home. The lyrics, “I hear your voice in my head, but…
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