Everything of importance has been said before by somebody who did not discover it. – Alfred North Whitehead (English mathematician & philosopher; 1861 – 1947) Works Cited: “Quote of the Day”; http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/26863.html; Accessed 2016-08-28
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The CBC news site had an article about a Harvard research group that built 1,024 tiny robots. The “Kilobots” have three tiny legs and are powered by a rechargeable battery. They express a “hive mentality” in which the researchers can send a signal to the group of robots and they will assemble into groupings of…
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Live Long and Prosper
Here is a fun bit of Friday afternoon trivia for you. Leonard Nimoy who played Spock in Star Trek (the original series) has been asked many times how he came to develop the Vulcan salute. His answer is that it comes directly from his experiences growing up in the Jewish synagogue.1;2 The priests would bless…
Continue readingJust Like That
(Words and Music by Mike Charko and Keith Shields – SOCAN 2011) Listen to the recording of this song here. I sat down on my front step And I strummed my old guitarI wrote a song to make you laughI knew it would go far Usher saw me playing thereHe said, “You’re gonna be a…
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Click on the image to enlarge. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill WattersonCopyright © 1995-2011 Universal Uclick – All Rights Reserved.
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It occurred to me that my blog has been pretty serious lately. Perhaps it is time to inject a bit of fun and beauty. Here are a few images from downtown Vancouver. Click on the photos to enlarge. This picture says so much about Vancouver: condos, new construction, mountains, SkyTrain tracks, East Van Cross. Construction…
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We all need to have more laughter in our lives. “When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him.” – Thomas Szasz, “The Second Sin” “The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think…
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