Broken and Sinful from the Start
Yesterday, I quoted Scot McKnight saying, “sinfulness has spread throughout the human race from its first beginnings and … each individual has contributed their own share to it.” Adam and the Genome (Venema and McKnight, 2017, BrazosPress). It made me think of this song by Jonathon Foreman: Broken from the Start (words and music by Jon…
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I am damaged on the inside My soul don’t quite work true There are foul spots on my right side And my wrong side’s looking cruel I am broken on the upside Spirit’s broken down There’s downsides to this arrangement But I’m hanging in for now Broken, damaged, injured, Wounded, cracked, beat-up Somehow we are…
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In Theology of the Body for Beginners: A Basic Introduction to Pope John Paul II’s Sexual Revolution, Christopher West says, “In the moment we reject our receptivity before God and grasp at our own ‘happiness’ we turn our backs on God’s love.”1 He is making a significant point about the nature of love and sexual…
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I like this description of city and garden and Fall and Redemption in Making the Best of It.1 We must be careful, however, to see the Fall also in its context as just one part of the story. Some Christians instead have interpreted our current existence as if we are in a world utterly fallen,…
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