After the Fight
This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break. When the man saw that he would not win the match, he touched Jacob’s hip and wrenched it out of its socket. Then the man said, “Let me go, for the dawn is breaking!” But…
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Power Over Blindness
A few days ago I wrote about a miracle or legend in the life of Saint Columba. Today, take a look at this passage from Acts 13:6-12. Here we read about a miracle that happened when Barnabas and Paul chose to do the work to which God had called them. Opposition came but God overpowered…
Continue readingDoubt and Faith
I have often encouraged people to consider their doubts and not allow those doubts to prevent them from having faith. I have had conversations with people who could not yet make a decision to follow Jesus because they still had doubts about some aspect of Christian doctrine or their experience of God. I have been…
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“Doubt isn’t the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith.”* Paul Tillich, an influential theologian (1886 – 1965), wrote these words in his book, The Dynamics of Faith (1957). He is reminding us that faith often has an element of doubt. People I have met are often scared of such doubts. Some put…
Continue readingThe Existence of God
To a woman who had a lack of faith in life after death: “No doubt it is devastating. One cannot prove anything here, but it is possible to be convinced.”“How? By What?”“By the experience of active love. Try to love your neighbors actively and tirelessly. The more you succeed in loving, the more you’ll be…
Continue readingThose Who Have Not Seen
Sometimes I wish that I could see a miracle that would once and for all show me that God is truly involved with our day-to-day lives. If I could have just seen Jesus walk on water or feed 5000, if I could see an undeniable miracle of God today, then I know I would be…
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