CRISPR is a relatively new term that describes new discoveries and new technology in the world of genetics. CRISPR stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats and refers to short repetitions of base pair sequences in bacterial genomes which naturally occur as part of bacterial genetic defence mechanisms against invading viruses. These CRISPR sequences…
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Robotic Laws
Isaac Asimov’s “Three Laws of Robotics” A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as…
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Meltdown at Madame Tussaud’s
CBC news online featured a video of Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, New York, presenting a new statue to the public. I am sure it is quite an honour to have a wax figure made in your likeness but it does bring to mind a number of questions. How do they decide who to immortalize? What…
Continue readingPersonal Autonomy and Society
[Thirty one years ago] I could make objective observations about my kids without parents getting offended. But now we handle parents a lot more delicately. We handle children a lot more delicately. They feel good about themselves for no reason. We’ve given them this cotton candy sense of self with no basis in reality. We…
Continue readingA Parable
Once there was a wealthy business man who passed away. People knew him as an upright entrepreneur, a leader who served in a mid-level political role, and a man of character. He was well loved and it was expected that many would attend his funeral and speak of his kindness to others, his generous gifts…
Continue readingCharacter
I had a dream last night that prompted me to think about the word “character.” More specifically, I have been thinking about “good character.” What does it mean to be a person of good character? In this dream I was asked for my opinion of a definition of character. The definition I was given was,…
Continue readingScience-Spirit
Margaret Somerville is one of our best ethical thinkers. In a speech she delivered at the Sydney Institute in 2007 she went head to head with Richard Dawkins and James Watson in presenting this way-forward in the discipline of ethics. Her “science-spirit” view is also a valuable descriptor for a way of integrating science and…
Continue readingDestinations and Hand-baskets
I must preface this by saying that there is much good in this world. But sometimes, as I read the news, I find myself wondering, “Where are we going? . . . And why am I in this hand-basket?”
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