Fool for You
In 1 Corinthians 4:10, Paul, the Apostle for Christ, states that his dedication to Christ makes him appear to be a fool to those who consider themselves wise. This is a common theme for many today. On the one hand, we often demand physical proof for the statements of others and, on the other hand,…
Continue readingDoubt and Faith
I have often encouraged people to consider their doubts and not allow those doubts to prevent them from having faith. I have had conversations with people who could not yet make a decision to follow Jesus because they still had doubts about some aspect of Christian doctrine or their experience of God. I have been…
Continue readingCourage
Sigmund Brouwer wrote the book Who Made the Moon* with a few purposes in mind. One stated purpose is found at location 1394 of the Kindle version of the book: Many scientists do, . . . . serve in their churches as well as in their laboratories . . . . I hope this book…
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As I was heading out to catch the train at 8:00 am on Friday morning I saw the grey skies and knew that many people would be down. We Vancouverites love to complain about the weather. But then God hit me with the sense of how I first saw Vancouver when we used to visit…
Continue readingDoubt
“Doubt isn’t the opposite of faith; it is an element of faith.”* Paul Tillich, an influential theologian (1886 – 1965), wrote these words in his book, The Dynamics of Faith (1957). He is reminding us that faith often has an element of doubt. People I have met are often scared of such doubts. Some put…
Continue readingCommonplace
“There is no event so commonplace but that God is present within it, always hiddenly, always leaving you room to recognize him or not to recognize him, but all the more fascinatingly because of that, all the more compellingly and hauntingly…” In Listening to Your Life: Daily Meditations with Frederick Buechner.
Continue readingSearch Me
Even as I speak of others who tickle itching ears I am aware of the subtleties of the devil. How might I fall into the mistake of saying the things that people around me want to hear rather than the life giving words of Jesus? Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me…
Continue readingNo One Believes In Me Anymore
No One Believes In Me Anymore (Satan’s Boast)(Keith and Melody Green) Oh, my job keeps getting easierAs time keeps slipping awayI can imitate the brightest light And make your night look just like dayI put some truth in every lieTo tickle itching earsYou know I’m drawing people just like flies‘Cause they like what they hear…
Continue readingCertainty
Persuasive speech is very much in vogue. One person pronounces that they have the final answer on a subject and three others refute what has just been said and state that they have the truth on that subject. Politicians, philosophers, cosmologists, scientists, and theologians all tend to get caught up in the shouting. As a…
Continue readingThe Next Instalment
My conversation with my young friend has continued. So, to carry on from where we left off, my analysis of what I see around me has left me with a rather limited number of possibilities. 1. There is no creator God and the universe is eternally expanding and collapsing.2. The universe had a cause, a…
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