I like it when I discover what other people have read. It gives me ideas about books I would like to read, authors to investigate, or even genres to consider. Here is a list of some of my recent reading with some brief notations.

The Edible Woman, Margaret Atwood – Atwood is one of the most (if not the most) celebrated Canadian authors. Although The Edible Woman is a novel, it makes important statements about women in western society and gender stereotypes.

A Small Death in the Great Glen, A. D. Scott – This is a well-written mystery novel set in Inverness, Scotland. The book is an easy read and keeps your interest to the end. If you have ever been to Inverness you will certainly enjoy the author’s geographic descriptions.

The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoevsky – Dostoevsky demonstrates remarkable knowledge of the human psyche in this classic published in 1880. It is full of insight into our motivations and false humility.

Making The Best Of It: Following Christ In The Real World, John G. Stackhouse Jr. – Stackhouse discusses the writings and lives of C.S. Lewis, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, H. Richard Niebuhr, Reinhold Niebuhr, and John Howard Yoder comparing their various approaches to living and acting in the world. He then presents his own best answer on how we might follow Christ in the real world.

Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis – This book is a classic example of Lewis’ brilliant logic and apologetics of the Christian faith. It also contains many great insights into human nature.

The Writing Life, Annie Dillard – In this collection of various writing forms, one of the greatest writers of our time describes her writing process. It is both inspiring and terrifying. All who aspire to write should read this book. All who read and buy books should read The Writing Life to appreciate the work that has gone into a well-crafted book.

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