My Life As A Movie
Today, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of students at Alberta Bible College about making choices in life. Prior to my presentation we had all seen a video of Donald Miller speaking on the theme of “my life as a movie;” so we all had certain concepts in our head. If your life…
Continue readingAvian Einsteins
You may already know of my interest in crows, jays, and other intelligent bird species. (If not, you can catch up by reading previous blog posts.) Today I want to share with you another interesting study that suggests that crows have the ability to teach other crows to avoid dangerous human individuals. Researchers at the University…
Continue readingPurpose and a Relationship with God
Mark 1:35 says, “Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.”Mark 6:46 says, “After telling everyone good-bye, he went up into the hills by himself to pray.”Mark 14:32-42 gives us the account of Jesus spending the entire night in deep prayer. Those who read this blog…
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More “Crowish” Science
I have previously written about amateur science that all of us can do as we observe the world around us. In that article I commented on crows that seem to have learned to do “crowish science” and “probability predicting” in order to get their daily caloric intake from their harvest of mussels. Of course, my…
Continue readingFollow-up to Observation
As a follow-up to Saturday’s blog entitled “Observation,” I offer the following quotes related to science and observation. The first two are equally true although in tension with each other. [Those] who have an excessive faith in their theories or in their ideas are not only poorly disposed to make discoveries, but they also make…
Continue readingObservation
Because I have studied science most of my life, some people will confide with me that they wish they had studied more science. I usually tell them that it is never too late to start. The convenient thing about science is that one can begin studying at any time. Science, at its core, starts with…
Continue readingOur Time
Once we begin to think about our place in time and geography, the mystery of where we happen to exist is great. Think of all of the other points in time we might have been born. I was born in the latter half of the 20th century; but, I could just as easily have been…
Continue readingMaking the Best of It
I have a friend who works in criminal law in downtown Vancouver. Daily, he faces the “real world” of robbery, domestic abuse, drunk driving, murder, and many other indications of the brokenness of this world. My own experience with the real world comes from previous work in the ethics of a molecular genetics lab, years…
Continue readingHope in You
Regardless of one’s philosophical or spiritual perspective, the words found in the middle of 1 Peter 3:15 in the Bible are helpful. There we read that we are to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” As a follower of…
Continue readingLegion Two
We have seen God move in mighty ways as he speaks to us as a community and not just as individuals. One evening in one of our house churches we were studying Mark 5:1-20, where Jesus delivers and heals the man called Legion. Although we share the duties of leading the study, it happened to…
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