Saturn and Jupiter
As I wiped the sleep from my eyes a little before sunrise this morning, I gazed out my south-facing window and saw two bright objects in the sky. There was blazing beauty to each of them and together they took my breath away. I thought one was Sirius, until I did my research and realized…
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Fortress Around Your Heart
Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner is an English singer songwriter who has written hundreds of songs and has 16 Grammy awards. Most of us know him by the name, Sting. One of my favourite songs written by Sumner is this one, “Fortress Around Your Heart.” (Listen as you read these lyrics.) Fortress Around Your Heart Under…
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Saint Columba Day – Altus Prosator
Today we celebrate the life of St. Columba who died on this day in 597 C.E. Saint Columba, or Colm Cille, spread Christianity through what is now known as Scotland. He wrote several Latin poems and hymns, some of which have survived to this day. Altus Prosator (Attributed to Colm Cille, also known as Saint…
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