Show Your Glory

The band I am in, Key of Zed, just released a new song. Because we don’t write a lot of worship songs, we teamed up with Pete Justine from Hazel Grey. It is a call to worship and you can listen to it on ReverbNation here. Show Your Glory (Peter Justine, Mike Charko, and Keith…

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Glory or Horror

“Each day we are becoming a creature of splendid glory or one of unthinkable horror.”  Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis, 1952. “The internal struggle continued. Who was it that had killed him? Well, first he had to decide who he was himself. Was Ray the good guy or the bad guy in this TV series? Was…

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Eclipses and Eggs

Annie Dillard went to see a total eclipse of the sun in 1979 and wrote about it in “Total Eclipse,” published as part of her book, Teaching a Stone to Talk. She speaks of the terrifying nature of a total eclipse and says that “Seeing a partial eclipse bears the same relation to seeing a…

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