Theology in Transition
Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.[1] The Bible, although not always viewed this way, is a fixed canon that does not change.[2] The Church endures through all the ages.[3] Jesus Christ died once for all so that all might live.[4] Therefore, it may sound like a bold statement to say that Christian theology changes; but it…
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A Song for Aubrey Claire
You’ve got the world wrapped around your finger And yes, you can change the world I see you changing my world now As your hand round my finger curls You can already steal my heart You will always inspire my thoughts From your tiny birth, you start Beginning to tie the knots And, you will…
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Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. John F. Kennedy Kennedy, or JFK, said these words in the middle of the 20th century when significant change was in the air. The rate at which things change in our current time…
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Small Steps
Resolutions or irresolution; we hear many opinions. You may also hear many statistics telling us that only about 7% will have kept their resolutions by the second week in January. You don’t even want to read a blog about resolutions! Neither do I. So instead I would like to advocate for small, feeble, steps throughout…
Continue readingI Just Want To Know
Regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey, I pray that you might be always drawing closer to God. As I went for a run this morning a prayer written by Steve Taylor came to mind and I prayed as I ran. In all of the activity of life: teaching, mentoring, preaching, planning, and…
Continue readingGrace Changes Us
Another quote from Flannery O’Conner is instructive in her understanding of life. There is a question whether faith can or is supposed to be emotionally satisfying. I must say that the thought of everyone lolling about in an emotionally satisfying faith is repugnant to me. I believe that we are ultimately directed Godward but that…
Continue readingWaiting On the World to Change
I wanted to use the lyrics of the song “Waiting On the World to Change” in a sermon I was giving. I felt like these words expressed well the response I was seeking to get from my audience. I felt that too many of us are sitting around waiting for the world to change and…
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