Meditation for a New Day
I have not read much of John Calvin, but it is worthwhile to meditate upon these words: This is the wondrous exchange [mirifica commutatio] made by his boundless goodness. Having become with us the Son of Man, he has made us with himself sons of God. By his own descent to the earth he has prepared our ascent…
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Follow-Up to Information and Meaning
On March 2 I posted Information and Meaning. This cartoon by Bill Watterson is an appropriate follow-up to that blog post. In three frames this philosophical cartoonist captures the angst of many regarding both meaninglessness and medications of choice. (Click on the comic for a larger image.)
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Moral Law
Lately, with two different groups of people, I have been discussing how one arrives at universal moral laws. Here is Bill Watterson‘s light-hearted look at the question. His tongue-in-cheek analysis is certainly better than several philosophers I have read. Over the years, as I have read “Calvin and Hobbes” comics, I have often noted a…
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Click on the image to enlarge. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill WattersonCopyright © 1995-2011 Universal Uclick – All Rights Reserved.
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