Pre-ordering a book can be an excellent way to get a great book at an amazing price. The Great Beyond, formerly published by Amazon’s Create Space (now out of print there) is about to be published by the Beacon Publishing Group. It is available in e-Book, paperback, and audio book. You can save up to 50% by pre-ordering the book at Amazon.ca, Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, or BeaconPublishingGroup.com.
The book is set for release on January 11, 2019 when the regular prices will be established. Buy it for yourself or buy it for a friend who would enjoy a thoughtful and entertaining story.
Barnes and Noble – https://bit.ly/2PyFiVG
Kobo –https://bit.ly/2SGM0eg
Amazon.com Kindle – https://amzn.to/2SJlgtw
Amazon.com paperback – https://amzn.to/2C7CVWx
Amazon.ca – https://amzn.to/2C9GFH7
Beacon Publishing Group – https://bit.ly/2QPkzlh