Tremper Longman III Regarding Job

“This message from the book of Job remains important today.
since it is so tempting to believe that there is a natural and immediate
connection between our action and rewards and punishments. In the NT, the
disciples, who likely knew the story of Job, are quick to revert to retribution
theology when they encounter a blind man: ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his
parents, that he should be born blind?’ (John 9:2 NRSV). Jesus immediately
corrects them (‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned; he was born blind so
that God’s works might be revealed in him,’ 9:3 NRSV), but even today people
encountering a tragedy find themselves asking, What did I do to deserve this?
Proponents of the prosperity gospel take advantage of this attitude in their
argument that bad things happen to bad people and good things happen to good
people. To depart from this way of thinking is frightening to many, because to
do so means abandoning a sense of control.”[1]

[1] Job (Baker Commentary on the Old Testament
Wisdom and Psalms)
, Baker Academic, 2012
Commentary by Tremper Longman III; Essay, “The
Theological Message of the Book of Job.”; p. 66, 67.

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