everyone enjoys year-end reviews but there is certainly some value in looking
back on our own year. I am hopeful that this guide through a year of blogs may
remind you of the significant events in your year.
It took
watching the movie twice, but Arrival eventually became one of my favourite movies of 2017. The movie is much ado
about the idea of rewiring our brains by learning the language of an alien
culture. It clearly overstates its case but is brilliantly scripted and leaves
one with a sense of hope regarding science, linguistics, and human
understanding, even as it offers a sharp warning of how we use our own words
and the militarization of culture. 
My April 17
blog-post was an ode to every band in which I have ever participated and
particularly a tribute to the songs I have written or co-written over the
years. The song, “No Hit Wonder,” is an exaggerated (I don’t really have quite
such lofty goals) autobiographical sketch of one man’s desire for fame. At some
level, you may be able to relate as well. 
I paid
closer attention to what my friends were writing in 2017. Several of my friends
published books in this year. I read their works, blogged about them, and
enjoyed learning how the books had come to be. The publishing industry has
changed significantly in the last few years but what stays the same is the
significant amount of effort one must put in if one wishes to write a readable
book. My friend, Cam Taylor, published his book, Detour, in 2017.
 Two of my posts were dedicated to
quoting and understanding this book
The “problem
of pain,” is a perennial problem in Christian theology and a perennial topic in
my blog posts. In the month of May, I tackled it again. This time, I added in
concepts I had been learning from an evolutionary creation perspective. I am
now thoroughly convinced that this is a fruitful way to analyse the problem and
all of my future thoughts on the subject will be seen through the lens of how
the “pain” and suffering of the evolutionary process leads to beings who will
one day be more fit for relationship with God.
That’s a
lot of thinking, dreaming, writing, and creating in just five months of the
year. The next review blog will likely take me through the month of July in
which I published my first novel. I pray that you too might be analysing your
own life as we move forward.

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